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Citrus Pesto Recipe

Citrus Pesto Recipe

Eccoci di nuovo in cucina con Cristina e Gabriella per tutti i nostri amici italiani e non!
Con una fresca ricetta per l'estate.

La panzanella


One of the most representative summer dishes of the Tuscan and Florentine cooking tradition, present also in other regions of Central Italy, is definitely panzanella.It is said that a first version of the recipe, called “washed bread”, was mentioned by Boccaccio in the XIV century. Pa...
Ice cream- myths and legends

Ice cream- myths and legends

When we talk about women and cooking in Florence, the first name that comes to mind is definitely that of Caterina de Medici, a strong and charismatic woman who had a decisive role in the fate of Italian and French cuisine, when she introduced French nobility with many Florentine delicacies. The...
The Italian kosher cooking

The Italian kosher cooking

The casherut (or kasherùt , in Hebrew: כַּשְׁרוּת ? , literally fitting) defines whether a food can or cannot be eaten by Jewish people according to the religious dietary laws described in the Torah. The food that meet the standards of the kosherut is kashèr, w hich means it is fit for consump...
Traditional christmas menu - Aroma Italia

Traditional christmas menu

Once upon a time, not very long ago, houses were not well heated. I was little but I clearly remember my family Sunday meals and ,above all, the very special traditional Christmas menu. My family, Florentine for generations on my mother and father's side, used to prepare traditional Christm...